Saturday, July 26, 2008


I've been MIA for several reasons:

1) there was the whole DamestarBaby Featured Seller weekend, where I think I spent a good portion of three days knitting and clicking between our Etsy shop, our Flickr page, our blog and our new website.

2) I went camping for a night, thinking that the moist ocean air would clear up the mild sickness I felt coming on. Not so.

3) my mild cough evolved into an intensely painful sinus infection, which then took a nasty turn into a crazy ear infection. I finally drove myself to the emergency room last night, and the doctor all but jumped back when he looked into my ear with his little light probe and saw this.
I told him my ear felt like it was going to explode and he said it very well could. Then four nurses came in and asked to take a look, for education's sake. I said go for it, I'm only here to help.

Soooo, bursting eardrums! That's exciting!

But now I'm on Vicodin (aaaahhhh) and so now the loud ringing and loss of hearing feels kind of like an enhanced state of being, since the pain is gone.

If it pops, I'll be sure and let you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ewww. that nasty. glad you are better mama. take care of yourself and stop trying to be such a hardass.